Oracle Business Intelligence 12c - Version 12x and above
The information in this document applies to any platform
Generally, the url of a report in BIP has the following structure:
If a little more control is desired, then we have to start adding some name / value pairs to the URL. The easiest way to generate the URLs is to export the report, the generated URL will look similar to the basic URL, but the name / value pairs will be added. For example:
http:// myhost:port/xmlpserver/Empleados/ Reportedeasistencias_de_empleados.xdo?_xpf=&_xpt=1&dep=10&_xt=Standard&_xf=pdf
Omitting the first part of the URL (it is the same as mentioned above), we have the following:
The URL is formed with the following parameters:
Configure the "guest access" from the BIP administration page: Admin> Security center> Security configuration
We'll activate the “Allow Guest Access”flag and write the name of the catalog directory where we are going to copy the reports that we want to execute without authentication.
Administration > Data Sources > JDBC Connections: We will edit each of the data sources that participate in the reports to be published, and in the security section, we will activate the checkbox “Allow Guest Access”:
We restart our managed BI Publisher server. E.g.: bi_server1
We execute the report without authentication using the following URL:
Done, our report runs without authentication. You can use the available values in the parameters according to the need.
Written by AB